Tuesday, February 02, 2010

11 months old

See the wild hair? Don't they look a like? She happens to be a Daddy's girl. Kind of surprises me, but since Ken has been home more she has become attached to him. They both seem to be quite fond of each other. She actually prefers him a lot of times. I'm not really sure what to think about that. It is pretty sweet, though.

My mom made this little rabbit we call Pinky and she has another one we call Violet. she loves to suck on the ears as she falls to sleep at night.

Several people have commented on how much Leisel has changed. She definitely is getting more hair. It's hard to tame and she doesn't keep bows in her hair for very long. We have bows scattered all over the World.
We tried to have the boys sleep together one night, but it didn't work out. Toby prefers to sleep in his own bed.

Leisel can say "meme"(Mommy) "Dada" (Daddy) "Babee" (Baby), she does the sound for "peekaboo", she says "elliodd"(elliott). She waves to the baby in the mirror. She is crawling all over the place. She plays very well on her own exploring how things work, or open, the way they taste, feel, etc. She is a VERY good baby still...She loves her brothers...they can always entertain her. She has gotten mad a few times when we or the boys take things away from her. She sort of mimics me when I get after the boys for something. She scolds them with her own voice. She is always trying out the stairs a little and has gotten up a couple of steps.

We have had some snow here in the North Carolina. It snowed Friday night (6 inches) and the kids only went to school on Thursday...The town of Troutman waits for the snow to melt and so life pretty much stops around here.

Toby wakes up VERY early these days, but is exhausted by noon.

Toby is sucking his thumb. I guess we need to make him stop. He only does it when he is tired, but he definitely has an overbite from it.

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