Thursday, September 06, 2012


 June was insanely busy! 
-Caleb didn't get out of school til June 8th
-He started boyscout camp the very next week
-We went camping at stone mountain and met my parents.  They took Toby home with them for a week and brought him back.
-all the kids went to Vacation Bible school and we celebrated Toby's 6th birthday.  All the neighbor kids came over for ice cream cake and they swam in our pool.  We planned a Karate party, but seriously had I known his actual birthday would've been so fun I wouldn't have had a karate pary.  I couldn't have planned such a great party for him...
-My parents ended up staying for two weeks until Toby's Karate Party. 
-Our Neighbors got to be at home this summer so they have been over playing with Leisel and Caleb and Toby.  We have been swimming and playing a ton. 

 Our neighbor's daughter, who has literally taught Leisel how to play!

 Toby got a Gheco for his birthday!  This guy/girl wouldn't eat!  He went a week without eating and we returned him.  You have to fee them live crickets and they were not being eaten, but instead drowning and dying in his cage.

Toby and his bud.

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